Saturday, October 26, 2013

Things People Say to Pregnant Women

I know I've been pregnant before, but some of the things that people say to pregnant women still amaze (and yes, even offend) me. I get it, some people just don't know what to say to a pregnant woman. Guess what? You don't have to comment on her pregnant status at all! 

"You don't look pregnant at all!" - Considering I've gained 20 lbs and am in my second trimester, there is no way I don't look pregnant at all.

"Wow, you're huge!" - Really? Is it ever okay to say those words in a sentence to a woman?

"You're glowing." - I never understand this one. If by glowing you mean, hot and exhausted with dark circles, then yes, I guess so.

"You still have a long way to go." - Why thank you. What you mean is, you're already that big and still have your last trimester ahead of you in which the most weight is gained. You're going to be huge (is how this is understand in pregnancy hormones).

"Are you going to eat all of that?" - Yes, I am. Don't think about trying to take food from my plate or comment any further about how much I just ate. I'm growing a human.

Here we are at 22 weeks!

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